In Monday’s class we had a guest speaker come in to do a work shop. We discussed the tips and tricks of video editing. Within these tricks we learned how to implement green screens, splicing, text, transitions, sounds, and overlapping material. In all honesty, I could only complete part of these tasks due to my old imovie, but I still learned plenty of useful tips for myself when I make edits of adventures and memories. By following this link provided here, you too can follow along and learn more about video editing.
My thoughts on this website:
As a non tech savvy person, I struggle learning new tech tips and lessons through technology itself. By saying that, I mean that I excel when someone is right in front of me teaching me how to go about my technological bumps. This site used videos, links, words, and more to convey it’s assistance. This truly made the difference as i could see exactly what they were doing, what their screen looked like and so on. This beneficial way of distributing material allowed me to notice my imovie was in need of updating along with my laptop, limiting my frustration. I found these lessons very clear and helpful for people new or experienced in the realm of video and audio editing. I highly recommend using this source for any help you may need in this area. I saved the site as well as I often use imovie for gifts and memory videos. With this new knowledge I can actually understand the clicks I make on the app, rather than trial and error.
Lastly, I was doing research on other tricks that might apply to imovie users. I enjoy learning useful every time imovie tips, but also the funky tricks people share that many do not know about. Here is another link to check out!
Best wishes to all you reading:)
- Em:)