Nov. 8th Reflection
Today was over zoom! It was so weird to be back in old ways, but I will admit I was very appreciative to be home all day and catch up on my to-do list! Thank you Joanna!!
Today’s presentation was very interesting for me. It directly tied to my inquiry for Link2Practice, how we support each student as an individual. That is a huge point Chantelle mentioned a lot was honouring the child as an individual. It takes time to understand your student’s needs in every area.
A huge take away I found was asking the parents for routines, tips, suggestions, and COLLABORATION! Working with parents in a positive way, with the clear message of helping is so important. As much as many parents may know loads about their child and how they work, it is also needed to remember not every parent will know. Last year’s teachers will be helpful as they may have developed strategies the parents may not be aware of. Being cautious of home life and different strategies is important and really emphasizing the teamwork is super important.
Covid has taught us that what works for one student doesn’t work for all. Technology is a crucial tool but not every student is ready to advance. Also, not every can afford the devices needed for the new technological teaching and learning practices. Technology is not funded, and families have to go through long systems to get funding and or support.
As teachers we need to remember the different stories, accessibilities, and resources each student has and needs.
Overall, I loved the presentation today as it only reminded me why I love teaching and why I want to make every child in my room feel safe and cared for.
Have a super Monday!
- Em:)