In today’s class we learnt all about and experienced EdCamp! In all honesty, this class was one of my favourites we have had so far. I loved the interactive portion with sticky notes and how we could all share what we wanted to talk about. I met with the ‘Mental Health’ group and I really enjoyed our meeting. As we only had a short 15 minutes, I did feel cut short, but it felt like only the beginning of a great group conversation! I personally really appreciate hearing my peers discuss their take on subjects I see as very important.
Photo by Brands&People on Unsplash
The way EdCamp is set up really allows for sharing, listening, and learning on subjects that interest YOU! Something I really value and see being so beneficial as an individual and as a teacher. I hope to visit a real EdCamp one day and or hold another one in class! Something about sharing with my peers on these subjects really keeps me engaged as I learn and listen to similar and or widely different views.
Funny enough I went home and did the classic share with my roommates! Instead of my parents asking “what did you learn/do at school today” I shared with them and they had a great response I wanted to share. My one roommate thought it was a very important and useful way of sharing and learning. She also mentioned the importance of discussing mental health especially in elementary school settings. Young children often get passed off when it comes to certain mental health categories and it is left undiagnosed until older ages, or never diagnosed at all. She really loved the points my group and I discussed and thought it was a neat form of sharing as EdCamp can be used for any type of environment and learning topics!
Before I tie off my reflection post this week, I just wanted to add in a site that seemed to display useful tips and cues in noticing mental health situations among students. As future teachers I feel that it is so important to learn from other teachers, and to be aware of mental health and safety of our students and peers.
Thank you for reading my reflection and I hope you have a dope day!
- Em:)